
عرض المشاركات من 2016

الزوجات الإلهيات لآمون God's Wife of Amun

 الزوجات الإلهيات لآمون God's Wife of Amun God's Wife of Amun The God's Wife of Amun was the highest ranking priestess in the cult of Amun. She was associated with the temple of Amun in Karnak. When Queen Ahmose Nefertari was given the position of God's Wife, land and property was endowed for this priestly position. The Divine adoratrix was a priestess ranking slightly below the God's Wife and she may have served as a deputy or stand in for the God's Wife. The position of God's Wife of Amun was  reserved for royal women. The position was usually given to the mother of the king (in the earlier part of the new kingdom) or to the daughter of a king. The position of divine adoratrix could be held by non-royal women as well. God's Wife (of Amun) - hmt ntjr (en imn) Divine Adoratrix - dwat ntjr God's Hand - djrt ntjr 18th dynasty Sit-ir-bau: Royal woman from the early 18th or late 17th dynasty depicted in the tomb of Khabeknet.

المراجع المستخدمة عن معابد الكرنك (Bibliographie provisoire des temples de Karnak (1802-2010

المراجع المستخدمة عن معابد الكرنك   Bibliographie provisoire des temples de Karnak  1802-2010    civilisation pharaonique 3 bibliographie de Karnak 2010 ABD EL-HAMID Sayed, — « Aménophis IV-Akhenaton à Karnak », HistArch 61, 1982, p. 70-73. ABD EL-HAMID Sayed, — « Une nouvelle statue thébaine d’Aba », Karnak 7, 1982, p. 367-375. ABD EL-HAMID Sayed, — « Discovery of a New Foundation Deposit of Thutmosis III at the East of Karnak. A Preliminary Report (With an Annex about a Stela of Pareemheb) », Karnak 8, 1987, p. 41-50. ABD EL-HAMID Sayed, GOLVIN Jean-claude, — « Les travaux du Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude et de Restauration des Temples de Karnak de 1981 à 1986. I. Fouilles et études effectuées sur le site. II. Activités des chercheurs et des laboratoires. III. Information — diffusion — activités culturelles. IV. Le sens de l’évolution constatée et l’avenir du Centre », Asae 72, 1993, p. 3-23. ABD EL-MOTLEB Farag, — « Le démontage et la reconstruction du IXe pylône », HistArc